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Supported analytical methods include shrinkage estimators, robust portfolio optimization, walk-forward portfolio optimization, benchmark tracking, Black-Litterman model, factor models, and many others. Features
Fully supports the multi-period investment paradigm. |
Fully supports portfolios featuring assets with non-Gaussian distribution of returns, or non-linear inter-dependencies, including options and hedge funds. This is achieved through direct simulation of portfolio dynamics with no model assumptions. |
Portfolio Construction
Simultaneous creation of two environments for portfolio analysis:
Risk-free asset option. |
Factor-selection option for a factor-based asset pricing model. |
Estimation of parameters
Equally-weighted sample estimates of expected returns and covariances |
Exponentially weighted sample estimates of expected returns and covariances (new in v.3.1) |
Stambaugh combined-sample estimates, used if asset histories differ in length. [pdf] |
Jorion expected returns estimate, which shrinks sample average returns to a common value. |
Ledoit-Wolf covariance matrix estimate, which shrinks the sample covariance matrix to the constant correlations covariance matrix. [pdf] |
Pastor-Stambaugh-Wang joint estimate of expected returns and covariances, which shrinks sample estimates to their respective counterparts, implied by the selected factor model. [pdf] |
MacKinlay-Pastor joint estimate of expected returns and covariances, based on the assumption that prices are explained by an unobservable factor. [pdf] |
The Black-Litterman model that incorporates subjective invetsor views in parameter estimation and asset allocation process. [pdf] |
Dummy estimates of expected returns and covariances further used in construction of risk-based portfolio strategies (risk parity and maximum diversification) (new in v.3.2) |
Portfolio optimization
Four optimization criteria:
Robust portfolio optimization (worst-case scenario optimization): the resultant portfolios demonstrate optimal behavior under the worst-case scenario. [pdf] |
Walk-forward optimization:
Optimization engine based on IPOPT (Internal Point OPTimizer) — one of the most powerful nonlinear optimizers available. |
Target shortfall probabilities analysis
Calculation of target shortfall probabilities according to selected ranges for the investment horizon and target rate. |
Value-at-Risk analysis
Simultaneous calculation of two risk measures: Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). |
Various techniques for calculation of VaR and CVaR, including: |
Construction of VaR and CVaR surfaces according to selected ranges for the investment horizon and significance level. |
Historical simulations
Simulations of portfolio strategies with continuous rebalancing. |
Simulations of portfolio strategies with continuous rebalancing and portfolio insurance — these strategies are optimal in a situation when a predetermined portion of the initial wealth and/or accumulated profits must be maintained. |
Portfolio-strategy simulations with "inaction region" rebalancing — these strategies are optimal in the presence of proportional transaction costs. |
Portfolio-strategy simulations with "inaction region" rebalancing and portfolio insurance. |
Data management
Choose either an Access-database or Excel spreadsheet format to store your data. |
Several historical data sources:
Batch import from all data sources |
1-click update from all data sources |
"Three-fund" portfolio calculation — utility-based portfolio, optimal in the presence of an estimation error in the model parameters. [pdf] |
Utilization of Block Bootstrapping algorithm in the calculation of VaR, CVaR, and shortfall probabilities. |
Determine Inaction region optimal size in the presence of proportional transaction costs, based on a multidimensional extension of the Davis-Norman approach. [pdf] |
Wide range of optimization constraints, which also include:
Various performance measures including Information ratio, Sortino ratio and STARR ratio. |